Why use a student planner?
As children get older they need to have ownership over their studies. After all it is their education. This year my daughter will be using the Well Planned Day Student Planner. It is well organized, brilliant colors and includes the month tabs.
Do you help with scheduling?
Depends on the child. I sit with my children when they begin to have the responsibility of scheduling out their work. I will hand them a 12 week at-a-glance schedule (term) and a 4 week schedule. I sit and discuss with them how to schedule out their week. It could take a day, week, or even a month before they are ready to schedule their own work. Not everyone is naturally organized. It is OK to hold your child's hand as they begin to schedule their own studies.
The Well Planned Day Student Planner is going to be a perfect fit for my daughter's scheduling. There is a nice reading log for each semester, a 2 page spread for the month and each day has room to schedule out assignments.