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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Burgess Animal Book for Children

My younger 2 and I have been enjoying Burgess Animal Book for Children this year.  This book is recommended on Ambleside Online for year 2.   I created notebook pages for us to use with the chapters.  The notebook pages are downloadable below.  

I thought I would share how we have used this book in our school. 

  • I read a chapter (they normally look through animal books, draw, etc. as I read)
  • They pick the animal they would like to research (there is normally more than one animal mentioned in the chapter.)
  • We work together to look up information about the animal.
  • YouTube - excellent resource to see, hear and just learn about the animal.
  • Our narrations for this book are very relaxed. We talk about it as we are looking up items on the animal.
They are keeping their completed notebook pages to make an Animal Book.  My older kids did this with the Burgess Bird Book and still look through it.